Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who knew they had email?


Date: February 18, 2010 11:52:13 PM UTC-5

Dear proprietor of weblog,
The internet is a disgusting place, and Olam Maley Klippos. It is our hope that we will one day not be able to communicate with you through this derech. That said, we are pleased to see that our words which were "Yotzey Mehalev" were "Nichnasin el Halev". You should know that the members of Anash, and the noted Rabbanim of the Schunah in particular, are gladdened by your recent actions to rectify the wrongs, and extinguish the inadvertant fires you kindled.
The fact that you have ceased to continue to publish on your weblog shows your agreement to the importance of following in the directives the Rebbe guides us by, and how distant we must put ourselves from the ways of the wicked, may Hashem protect us.
It goes without saying that your written and signed agreement will be necessary, to avoid misunderstandings and any unpleasant measures that would need to be taken.
As our holy sages tell us, the Beis HaMikdash was not built in a speedy way. It took seven years. Or  "Lo kai inish adaitey drabey ad arbain shnin". We therefore realize that to completely expel the ruach shtus which pervades some internet users, it will take time and in some cases, possibly force. You have taken the first step, and we know you will only wish to cooperate with us to take the next steps to be metaher the avir of the schunah and internet world.
With these steps taken to regain control over the evil klippas, may we merit to take the final steps out of this golus and into the Geulah.
The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity


Yossi said...

you got the same one! and you beat to the blog to post it!

Dowy said...

"It goes without saying that your written and signed agreement will be necessary, to avoid misunderstandings and any unpleasant measures that would need to be taken"
lol - you should sue

bonne said...

Then everyone will complain of what a chilul Hashem it all is.

These folks are nuts.

Dowy said...

i really think this is going too far, there are no names to this, just anonami popping letters through mailboxes.
someones having fun.

e said...

nah, this wasn't written by the same person who wrote the first one.

Yossi+TRS, you're going to have to start coordinating so that you don't both post the same thing. These duplicate posts will make the comment conversations very confusing.

I would recommend disabling comments on one of the duplicate posts, but that would be borrowing a page out of the evil ones' book.