Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To lighten the mood

The mood on this blog is somber, to put it mildly. Adar is the month of the greatest Didan Natach, we just need to have more bitachon and these idiots will disappear.
Here's a joke that was the joke of my 3rd grade class (and it's nogeiah):
Why do gorillas have big fingers?
Because they have big noses!!!!

(We wasted many many hours of our 8 year old lives, trying to figure out which makes more sense/is funnier: to say the joke as I told it to you, or ask: why do gorillas have big noses? because they have big fingers!... To this day I'm still not sure which should be the correct girsa of the joke.)

And hey, today marks 70 years of Chabad Lubavitch in America! Try to imagine what the shape of Modern American Jewry would look like if chas v'shalom the Freidiker Rebbe had not come here.


e said...

how's the semicha prep going? What are you getting tested on?

Dovid said...

Surely the second nussach is more logical.

Altie said...

if lubavitch hadnt come to america... then those people wouldnt be after you right now.

Cheerio said...

i agree with dovid