Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We found their open Blog!!!

The tznius committe has stupidly left their blog unlocked!
Check out who it is: vaadshmirashadasvhatarah

Will the truth come out?

As many of you probably know by now, a meeting has been arranged between Rabbi Osdoba, the self-styled "Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity", and Yossi+TRS. The meeting will take place tomorrow evening (Thursday evening, for those of you keeping score at home), and we hope to resolve several issues at the meeting, like why we're being targeted and who these shadowy people are. All male bloggers are of course welcome to come. We'd invite all the female bloggers as well, but the Committee evidently doesn't like women, and we don't want to scare them. I'm not sure why they don't like women. Maybe they're gay.

This is seriously depressing

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bye Bye for now

The basement was always a scary place for any kid to go down into. Normally it was a game of wits, who could stay there the longest, in the dark. I'm afraid for the safety of our group. I'm worried that the once friendly and welcoming Blogging Basement could become dark and foreboding. I've closed it for now. As someone mentioned in the comments, it's probably the most untznius blog we have. If those-who-cannot-be-named (because we don't know their names yet, and also because they're pretty much on the dark side) were to find the blog, and take a look at the list of authors: guys and girls, oh my!....
So to help protect those that I care for, and to preserve the Crown Heights Underground of well-written literature, I've taken the blog down, temporarily. Hopefully soon, when this dark storm cloud passes and the sun's rays break through, we will once again be able to prove that Lubavitchers can too write good.

Full man, half Rabbi

If you were even half the Rabbi I am, then you'd be a quarter one.

I did very well on my basar bchalav test with R' Labkowski, baruch Hashem.
Now I can turn most of my full attention (Yossi, that doesn't make sense. Why don't you just say, "most of my attention"?) to figuring out who these creeps are, what they have against me and my 'nontznius' blog, and whether or not a wooden stake to the heart will kill them, or if I need silver bullets, as well.

To lighten the mood

The mood on this blog is somber, to put it mildly. Adar is the month of the greatest Didan Natach, we just need to have more bitachon and these idiots will disappear.
Here's a joke that was the joke of my 3rd grade class (and it's nogeiah):
Why do gorillas have big fingers?
Because they have big noses!!!!

(We wasted many many hours of our 8 year old lives, trying to figure out which makes more sense/is funnier: to say the joke as I told it to you, or ask: why do gorillas have big noses? because they have big fingers!... To this day I'm still not sure which should be the correct girsa of the joke.)

And hey, today marks 70 years of Chabad Lubavitch in America! Try to imagine what the shape of Modern American Jewry would look like if chas v'shalom the Freidiker Rebbe had not come here.


So I received two emails last night. The first was, like Yossi's, a threat to do me some harm of some sort, an attempt to blackmail me for alleged previous wrongs. I took down my blog because of this, and I think that was the right move under the circumstances. The second email was an offer to meet them (The Committee), which I think is unprecedented. I immediately responded to the second email and told them that I'd love to arrange some sort of get-together, to attempt to clear the air and figure out a solution to this whole thing. They mentioned a secret location, which I think makes sense, because of course it seems like the whole blogging world wants to come at them with pitchforks and boiling peanut oil. I'll of course post more info as I get it...

Monday, February 22, 2010

This time it's real...

Well, I'm sure y'all are all wondering why I took down TRS. It's very simple. Today I received another email threatening me with cherem-excommunication! Can you believe it? Problem is, they might just have something on me, so I've been forced to acquiesce for now, but don't worry, TRS will rise again!

Since everyone is curious

I've decided to post the email I got that forced me to close my blog. I'm taking out the personal information. And remember I was stressed from this whole mess, and I was studying for a big smicha test, so if the ending of my email back sounds sappy... (I put their email first, and then my response after)

 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:12 AM, tzniuscommittee <> wrote:
You continue to publish on your weblog A Bochur In Lubavitch, in direct violation to our agreement. Also, our personal email account has been inundated with tumah and pritzus filled messages. We have told you before that if you continue to undermine this holy committee and the words of the holy Torah, then we will be forced to share with the public, starting with your parents, who reside at _________, about the occurences last winter involving your __________________... You have dug your own pit, by continuing to join in the nontznius activities on the internet. The only way to stop this is if you close your blog down NOW!!
Wishing you a joyous Adar, and may we merit through our continued efforts of our holy task to clean up this Shchuneh and protect the members of Anash (may they live and be well) and with the backing of the prominent Rabbanim and Mashpiim of Crown Heights, the coming of Moshiach!
-The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity/Vaad Shmiras Hadas Vhatarah

From: Yossi
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: The Next Phase Has Begun
To: tzniuscommittee

What??! no,no,no. do NOT reveal that to anyone, especially my parents. You hear?? I'm dead serious. I don't know if you're joking or not, but this is my life you're playing with! Youre threatening it because I sometimes put jokes that aren't chassidish enough for you? Don't read it! Because there are girls that comment on my blog? There are other ways to help teach people about tznius! I didn't mean to offend anyone with my blogging or internet activity. Like I told you before, you should have at least come to me and spoken face to face, man to man. You're cowards hiding behind a pathetic attempt at righteousness! This is not according to halacha AT ALL, so do not try to convince yourself otherwise. The only reason I wouldn't take you to real Rabbanim, is as you well know, that I can't allow you to speak to my parents about the ________. I'm closing my blog, so leave me alone from now on. Just remember: in revealing your blackmail, you've also narrowed down for me who you are, or who you spoke with to gather this info. By the time you even think about going behind my back, breaking our deal and telling people, I'll have found out who you guys are.
So please, please, please, I'll keep my end of the deal if you keep yours.
The Rebbe would not be proud of you awful people.

-Not A Committee.
Just a bochur. A bochur who is trying to grow in his chassidishkeit. A bochur who has feelings and emotions. A bochur who does not always make the best decisions, but who has principals, standards, good character, and is a decent person. I'm a bochur in Lubavitch, and you'll wish you hadn't picked this fight.

Back, but not better

I had to shut my blog down for good. These sob's are blackmailing me, straight up.
I would put up the email, but there's some personal information (besides for the obvious thing I don't want people (especially my parents) to know about that they're blackmailing me in the first place).

I am not in a pleasant mood. To show my feelings, I was looking online for a nice picture of somebody whacking someone in the face with a keyboard, you know, for the guerrilla bloggers, but I couldn't find one. Stupid google. If someone could find one, that might cheer me up a little bit.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back, and better than ever!

Well, after much consultation with my rabbonim, my mashpiim, and my anash, I've decided to start blogging again at TRS. If they want to get me, they know where I live- let's see what they've got!

And btw, if anyone wants to upset some people over at headquarters, shoot them some spam at Come on, you know you want to...

Who wants to buy me a scanner?

I don't have a scanner, and some people were pretty desperate to see the letter I received. I don't really know what settings to do for the flash, etc. in order for this to be clearer, but here's some pics of it.
I know mottel took some photos on Thursday of it.

Wish me luck

I'd like to invite all my readers to

Friday, February 19, 2010

They're going for girls too!!!

Altie received this email this morning:

Dear the proprietor of the “weblog” “MoVing oN”,

As much as it pains us to speak at all to a Bas Melech and Neshama D’Ban, and especially in this way, you have forced us to. Our holy Torah is filled with teachings about the importance of tznius in every way we act, as we’re sure you have been taught in school. Tznius is the most important thing a young girl can be taught, since that is the most important thing in a woman’s life. At the behest of many concerned members of Anash (may they live and be well), and with the agreement of the noted Rabbanim here in the Shchunah, we beg you to uphold the holy words of the Torah, and not continue to act in a way against halacha and against the Rebbe’s wishes.
Kol kvuda bas melech pnima. A girl’s purpose is to be a mekabel. Not to overly express herself to the world around her. Al achas kama vkama to express herself in a way that is nontznius, and therefore is a drastic chillul Hashem and chillul shem Lubavtich.
We do not think these are excessive demands, and we are sure you will wish to cooperate with us in the utmost way, to start leading a tznius way of life the way the Torah dictates. To uphold a certain standard in this community, we respectfully request of you that you follow the following guidelines:

1. No males will be allowed on your blog. You must do everything in your power to stop the intermingling of males and females on your website. If this necessitates the closing down of your blog then so be it, but a strict separation must be enforced.

2. You will only publish words that are intended to bring about an increase in Yiras Shamayim, and the importance of Tznius, not G-d forbid the opposite. You will not publish jokes or stories that do not reflect positively on Chabad Lubavitch in general and on the holy Shchuneh of Crown Heights in particular.

3. You will agree to suspend publishing until you agree to follow these reasonable guidelines.

We have already fixed similar problems with weblogs belonging to bochurim. Those are the most important ones to remedy. But we cannot stop there. We must work to be metaher the avir of the entire internet, and help even the neshamas d’ban. Perhaps it is even more crucial for a Bas Melech to receive these words of rebuke, being that Tznius is the most important thing for a girl.

Obviously, to cease to express yourself through the derech of the internet, or bchlal in the world, as stated above: kol kvuda bas melech pnima, that would be the ideal. We hope that one day you will realize this remedy on your own. As for now, we are merely requesting the abovementioned guidelines to follow.

From the positive can be inferred the negative, and we hope that “a word to the wise is sufficient”. We would hope to not have to resort to any unpleasant measures, but of course we will do what must be done. With blessings for a joyous and holy celebration of Purim, when the Jewish people stood strong in their Yiddishkeit, and did not in any way adopt the ways of the surrounding Goyim. We also see from Esther who was called that for the reason that she was hidden and lived in a tznius way. Finally, and perhaps the most important lesson you can learn from Esther, is that she did whatever Mordechai (an upstanding member of the Anshei Kneses Hagdolah) told her to do.

The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity

Altie replied to the email:

Can I ask who is behind this letter? I did not realize that my blog was so well known that I am important enough to receive a letter from the 'tznius committee'. Of course, if this is a legitimate request from respectable people, I will try my best to comply with your guidelines. But if this is a joke, it is not very funny.

They replied back to her:

Our committee is made up of respectable yungerlite, members of anash (may they live and be well), and backed by noted mashpiim and Rabbanim. Your weblog in particular came to our attention after mention in publications such as the Jewish Press, articles on "Lubavitch" "news" websites, and as commenting on various weblogs we have had our eyes on.
This is very much so a legitimate request. We know you will wish to cooperate fully with us, as others have started to do the same.
Incidentlly, if you could share with us some information about a few of your 'blogging' friends (which as you know, the Rebbe would be very against having such friendships in the first place. It goes against everything the holy Torah dictates), then your help would show your sincere desire to not cause us to take necessary actions.

-The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity/ Va'ad Shmiras HaDas Vhatahara

A forest of hope

The parsha of Truma speaks in detail about the start of the mishkan's construction, and all the materials needed to be donated. A large supply of wood was needed, to build the beams and structure. Where did the Yidden get all this wood from, in the middle of a barren desert?
Rashi answers this by bringing Rabbi Tanchuma's explanation. Yaakov Avinu anticipated with Ruach Hakodesh the Jews' need for wood when building the mishkan. He therefore brought cedar trees with him, planted them in Egypt, and instructed his children to take these trees with them when they would leave the country.
Why couldn't Rashi simply explain that the source for the wood in the desert was from a forest which grew near Mt. Sinai, as other commentaries explain? Or the Jews could have purchased lumber from merchants along the way.
In a sicha in chelek Lamed Aleph, the Rebbe explains why Rashi was forced to explain it specifically in this manner, according to R' Tanchuma.
Now we must understand: Why takkeh did Yaakov do this? Over 200 years before they would need the wood, he made sure to bring trees with him and plant them in Egypt, and then get his children to agree to shlepp them out with them? It was hard enough for the Jews to walk with the matzahs drying on their backs, now they had to carry out huge trees??!! Did Yaakov really think he was doing his descendants a favor? Imagine having to shlep out tons of trees. "Oh, gee, Yaakov. Thanks a lot for your help...." Who is so obsessive and OCD over the planning of the minor details of a trip that wouldn't take place for another 200 years?!

In a simply beautiful pirush, the Rebbe explains exactly what Yaakov intended.

Do you think Yaakov was really that concerned for where they'd get wood to build the mishkan? There were too few mass-polluting humans on the planet to be worried about a tree shortage. What Yaakov was doing was planting for them a Forest of Hope.

Sure the Jews knew that eventually they would be redeemed from the miserable slavery and exile they were in; Hashem had promised their ancestors, hadn't He? But what would keep them going through thick and thin? How and from where would they draw the necessary strength to overcome the smothering darkness surrounding them?
When Yaakov planted these trees, and told his children to take them out with when they would be redeemed, he was associating these trees with the redemption. Especially since these trees were not originally grown in Egypt. Yaakov brought them from the land of Israel. These would be a source of hope and comfort. (Remember the name of the person Rashi quoted for this explanation? R' Tanchuma, which comes from the word meaning comfort!!)
Every time the Jews walked past this huge forest, they saw these trees as symbols of their royal heritage and noble destiny.

The Rebbe goes on to explain that tzadikkim are sometimes described as cedar trees: 'tzaddik ktamar yifrach, kerez balvanon yisgeh...". Yaakov planting these 'cedar trees' represents planting tzaddikim in every generation. Not just tzaddikim, but n'si'im: leaders of the generation, Rabbeim. The word Nasi stands for Nitzutoi Shel Yaakov Avinu.
Yaakov 'planted' these Rabbeim in every generation to carry out the same purpose as his original cedar trees in Egypt. These leaders give hope and comfort to the Jews who are suffering in exile.

The Rebbe finishes by saying that in this bitter, supremely dark and exhaustively long exile, the only true comfort for us is the coming of the Moshiach, may he come speedily in our days, and we will build the Third Beis HaMikdash!

Have a great shabbos!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I guess we're doing something 'right'...


 to me
show details 11:53 PM (0 minutes ago)

Dear proprietor of weblog,

The internet is a disgusting place, and Olam Maley Klippos. It is our hope that we will one day not be able to communicate with you through this derech. That said, we are pleased to see that our words which were "Yotzey Mehalev" were "Nichnasin el Halev". You should know that the members of Anash, and the noted Rabbanim of the Schunah in particular, are gladdened by your recent actions to rectify the wrongs, and extinguish the inadvertant fires you kindled.
The fact that you have ceased to continue to publish on your weblog shows your agreement to the importance of following in the directives the Rebbe guides us by, and how distant we must put ourselves from the ways of the wicked, may Hashem protect us.
It goes without saying that your written and signed agreement will be necessary, to avoid misunderstandings and any unpleasant measures that would need to be taken.
As our holy sages tell us, the Beis HaMikdash was not built in a speedy way. It took seven years. Or  "Lo kai inish adaitey drabey ad arbain shnin". We therefore realize that to completely expel the ruach shtus which pervades some internet users, it will take time and in some cases, possibly force. You have taken the first step, and we know you will only wish to cooperate with us to take the next steps to be metaher the avir of the schunah and internet world.
With these steps taken to regain control over the evil klippas, may we merit to take the final steps out of this golus and into the Geulah.

The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity 
This was an email I just received!!!

Who knew they had email?


Date: February 18, 2010 11:52:13 PM UTC-5

Dear proprietor of weblog,
The internet is a disgusting place, and Olam Maley Klippos. It is our hope that we will one day not be able to communicate with you through this derech. That said, we are pleased to see that our words which were "Yotzey Mehalev" were "Nichnasin el Halev". You should know that the members of Anash, and the noted Rabbanim of the Schunah in particular, are gladdened by your recent actions to rectify the wrongs, and extinguish the inadvertant fires you kindled.
The fact that you have ceased to continue to publish on your weblog shows your agreement to the importance of following in the directives the Rebbe guides us by, and how distant we must put ourselves from the ways of the wicked, may Hashem protect us.
It goes without saying that your written and signed agreement will be necessary, to avoid misunderstandings and any unpleasant measures that would need to be taken.
As our holy sages tell us, the Beis HaMikdash was not built in a speedy way. It took seven years. Or  "Lo kai inish adaitey drabey ad arbain shnin". We therefore realize that to completely expel the ruach shtus which pervades some internet users, it will take time and in some cases, possibly force. You have taken the first step, and we know you will only wish to cooperate with us to take the next steps to be metaher the avir of the schunah and internet world.
With these steps taken to regain control over the evil klippas, may we merit to take the final steps out of this golus and into the Geulah.
The Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Purity

Go with Dirty and Hairy

In Basar Bchalav (I can hear the groans already), if you wash in a Kli Rishon a fleishig pot together with a milchig one, problems arise. If one is dirty and the other clean, in many cases, the clean one will become assur, and the dirty one will actually be mutar!
This is similar to the advice for which barber you should visit. If there are only two barbers in a town, you go to the one with the messy, uneven and unkempt head of hair.

The letter

Well, despite my lawyer's warning (Nemo, I'm blaming you for this) I've decided to upload the letter I received. Since I couldn't figure out how to blow it up so that you could all see it I'm also putting up a link to the original scanned pdf here.


Okay, late last night, when I should have been sleeping, instead I was sleuthing (and thank you to the Ethical Committee for the Furtherence of Chassidishkeit, or whatever your name was, for enabling me to use the word 'sleuthing'!).
I was very uneasy about how this letter reached my hands (they know what I look like? They were just waiting in 770 until I showed up!!?). It actually is a lot simpler and less sinister. You can sleep better now. The guy who had given me the letter while I was davening is actually someone I know from a while back. I finally got in touch with him late late last night/early early this morning. He has no idea about my blog. My friend Shoime H. found the letter sent to his house, about two days ago. He was leaving to Chicago for a cousin's wedding (mazal tov), and gave it to R.S. to give to me. Shloime knew I'd be davening mincha later in 770. I spoke to Shloime, and he said the letter was in between the gated door and his main front door, with 'Abochurinlubavitch' on the top.

So that was comforting to know. Sort of. The people behind this know I was close friends with Shloime, and that I eat at his house often. I've slept there at times, also.

So here's where we're at as of now: We're doubting the validity to the signatures on my letter, especially because at the bottom of the one TRS received, it was just some pathetic 'Committee' that signed, although clearly from the same morons.
We decided to 'officially' stop blogging, because if these guys mean business, they definitely could go to Rabbanim, if they haven't already. Personally, I don't feel blogging is worth getting into a huge fight with the people of Crown Heights.
We're going to wait it out and see what happens. We hope they don't get wind of this new blog. Oh well.
Our official response is one of caution with slight amusement. If this is really a joke someone's trying to pull, I don't find it funny. Interestingly enough, if these people are serious, that I find amusing. (Whoever 'they' are. Yet to be determined.)

P.S. If anyone else receives a similar letter or message about the internet and/or blogging, please contact either me or TRS right away.
P.P.S. Our legal counsel (nemo) advised us not to post the letter just yet on this blog. Especially if they find out that we didn't really stop blogging. Which is simpler for me, because I don't have a scanner.

Pending Acceptance

(I might as well make myself at home...)
I have applied for Merkos Shlichus for the Pesach Sedarim. On's website, it says I'm 'pending acceptance'. It's very profound, really.

Serious Shtuff Going Down

So there you have it folks. The ending has finally come. Crown Heights has gotten to me. At first I thought it was just a joke, this whole tznius police trying to shut down the poetry slam and force women to dress modestly, but then I discovered it was worse... much worse. Basically, they were too late to stop me from getting married, but they threatened to stop my kids from ever attending school in CH (I don't even have kids!) if I dared keep on posting, and they brought me some disturbing proofs of what they had accomplished so far. Not wanting to jeopardize my future in Kan Tziva Hashem Es Habracha, I quickly shut down my blog, only to discover that Yossi was having the same issue. He said that we shouldn't run and hide, that we should take a stand and fight for what's right. After all, blogs aren't all shtussim- heck, I once got someone to keep kosher! But could I do it in the face of all this pressure? And as I reminded Yossi, he still needed to find a shidduch...

Blogging now from an undisclosed location

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, we have been forced to take shelter under a new blog.

I'm not sure how many bloggers received the same messages, but basically, here's what happened:
So there I was, minding my own business, davening mincha in 770 the other day, when I received a letter, signed by what seemed like every major Rabbinical figure in Crown Heights.

Was the content of the letter a commendation for my years of service to the community?
Not exactly.
Apparently there has been an ongoing machlokes about blogging in the Jewish world, and the hurt and pritzus that blogs and comments could bring. They said it brought goyishkeit, immorality, and a whole bunch of awful things. I was surprised that they didn't blame Haiti on my blog.
I was asked to stop blogging immediately, and remove all comments. Which I did. When I saw that TRS was in the same boat, we decided to open this temporary, secret blog that hopefully the authors of the letter will not find out about. So it's up to you guys, basically, to keep your mouths shut.